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ahsananwaar360 (Male, 19 y/o)

Auckland City

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Physics $30.00 /hr
Hi. I'm Ahsan, A current student at the University of Auckland studying Medical Imaging. I have always been passionate about tutoring, and that is why it has always been a part of me throughout my academic career. I have excelled in physics, Chemistry and biology and would love to pass on my knowledge. Feel free to contact me.


I attended high school in sciences overseas and achieved an overall A+ average. In my foundation studies, I achieved an overall A+ grade and secured a scholarship. I enrolled in first-year biomedical sciences and in my first year, I finished with an overall A grade.


I started home tutoring overseas in high school, helping some of my friends in physics and chemistry. I continued when I came to New Zealand in both Foundation and the first year of my degree, where I specifically tutored physics.


I am a current student at the University of Auckland studying Medical Imaging. I started my studies at the University as a Foundation student in 2023, and after performing well, I managed to secure a spot in Biomedical Sciences. I am passionate about tutoring and trying to discover new ways to deliver information. My hobbies include sports both playing and watching, movies, and volunteering. Apart from that I love tourism, especially going around New Zealand.

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