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Tutor Profile

crml22 (Female, 37 y/o)

Auckland City

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Accounting $30.00 /hr
Management $30.00 /hr

Name: Ashna

Skill or Qualification:

Tertiary Education - University of Auckland

Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) - Accounting and Management

Post Graduate Diploma in Management

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Chartered Accountant

Certified Fraud Examiner and Anti Money Laundering Specialist

15 years Teaching 1st, 2nd and 3rd year management and accounting papers at Auckland University, AUT and Massey and year 9-13 accounting.

Led numerous workshops on academic essay writing.

Management tutor at Auckland University,
Diploma in Business lecturer at Auckland Gold Star Institute, Duke institute of Education, North Shore Development Centre and EDENZ College.

Specialising in 1st Year University business papers and all levels of management and accounting papers.

Please contact me on my email for any tuition enquiries.

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