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Tutor Profile

carmelmurphy (Female, hidden)

North Shore City

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Maori $60.00 /hr
Language (Other) $60.00 /hr
Kia ora, my name is Carmel Murphy.
Have studied Maori and Spanish at all levels - primary, secondary and tertiary.
Taught several languages to secondary school level.
Happy to create a curriculum specific to your learning style.


Bachelor in Maori and Spanish
Masters in Spanish
Taught at secondary school part-time for 2.5 years


Have tutored many students in Maori, Spanish and ESOL
Taught international students who lived with me over 5 years
Was a part-time teacher at secondary school level for 2.5 years


My name is Carmel Murphy and I love languages. Grew up with Maori and English. Took on German and French at high school and Spanish at university. I love helping others learn, grow and develop their own language skills so they can show up, feel confident and enjoy being in the room.

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