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Search Criteria(s): Location: Napier City

one2oneenglishtutor (Female, hidden)

5 (1 reviews)
Napier City
English$50.00 /hr

I am an IELTS teacher with many years experience. I am based in Napier so can teach face to face at my home or online. If you need IELTS for univer...

mathsisfun (Female, 62 y/o)

Napier City
Maths$45.00 /hr
Physics$45.00 /hr

Maths has been my life passion. It is tremendously rewarding helping students exceed or meet their learning goals.

christopherpaulswain (Male, 47 y/o)

Napier City
Maths$45.00 /hr

I believe the purpose of teaching is to assist students to gain knowledge, skills, values, and positive attitudes from their education so that they ca...

joaquing (Male, 38 y/o)

Napier City
Spanish$25.00 /hr

Hola, me llamo Joaquin. Originally from Spain, I have been in New Zealand for more than 6 years. I have been working as a teacher for adults and kids...

maryann (Female, hidden)

Napier City
Maths$50.00 /hr

Are you having trouble understanding maths? Don't leave it too late in the year to get some help. I tutor on a one to one basis and I am able to hel...

kjryo (Male, 28 y/o)

Napier City
Japanese$25.00 /hr

Hey, I will be happy to teach you Japanese! I know it is a difficult language to learn but lets do it together! If you wanna go to Japan one day, y...

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