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Tutor Profile

jericrealubit (Male, 47 y/o)

Christchurch City

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Computer $35.00 /hr
Learn fast and easy, I teach by giving examples and explaining each step. j e r i c r e a l u b i t @ g m a i l


I have 1 year and 3 months of teaching experience at the university, have been tutoring for more than a year.
I work as a web developer for 7 years. A graduate of Computer Science with NZQA Level 7.

Programming Tutorial:
- Introduction to Programming (C++ / PHP)
- Introduction to Web Development (HTML / CSS)
- Object Oriented Programming (PHP / OOP)
- Database - Structure Query Language (MySQL)
- MVC (CodeIgniter)
- MS office (word, excel, PowerPoint)
- improve problem-solving and logic formulation (chess)


Teaches in:
* AMA Pasig Campus (February to April 2013)
Silver Tree Building San Miguel Avenue, Ortigas Center 1600, Pasig, Metro Manila, Philippines
= Object-Oriented Programming with PHP, Data Structure and Logic Design with C++

* Southern Luzon Technological College Foundation, Inc. (June 2010 to May 2011)
Astillero Bldg., Oro Site, Legazpi City, Albay, Philippines
= MS Office, C++, HTML, CSS, PHP (OOP), MySQL, Dreamweaver, CodeIgniter (MVC), Visual Basic 6, System Analysis and Design.


Programming and Teaching

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