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georgelawn (Male, 24 y/o)

Auckland City

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Maths $60.00 /hr
Hi! My name is George and I am an enthusiastic maths tutor from the UK! I have a real interest, not only in maths, but also in helping others with the parts of maths that they struggle with. Having had tutoring myself in the past, I am aware of the issues that can occur during tutoring sessions and I am therefore fully able to avoid the session being anything but 100% productive!


I have a BSc in Mathematics from the University of Leeds, in the United Kingdom - ranked in the top 10 universities in Europe.


I have over 1000 hours of experience tutoring at GCSE and A level with a 100% success of students reaching their goals, many greatly surpassing these goals. I therefore have learnt how to fully adapt and alter my teaching techniques in order to specifically suit any student.


I am a maths tutor with over 1000 hours of tutoring experience. I have a BSc in Mathematics from the Leeds, United Kingdom which is one of the top universities in the country.

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