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Tutor Profile

diana_heartfelties (Female, 53 y/o)

Christchurch City

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Art/Craft $60.00 /hr
Hi, my name is Diana Renwick and I am a full time fibre artist and pet portrait artist from Christchurch. I have a successful business 'HeartFelties' making replica miniature pets from needle felt. After five years of working solely in commissions and refining my skills I have decided to share my knowledge and teach others my craft. I am available to tutor throughout New Zealand (travel and accommodation to be covered in addition to fees). Class sizes up to 15 students.


Bachelor of Speech Language Therapy
Diploma in Editing
Diploma in Interior Design (pending)
Marketing certificate
Leadership certificate


I have a background in special needs and English as Second Language teaching. I have tutored in crafts, art and patchwork and quilting.


I am passionate about Christmas decorating and open my home every year to raise money for charities. I've raised $20000 over the last decade. I'm a keen thespian and singer - I've represented NZ internationally in barbershop singing. I also enjoy writing, photography, hiking and home improvement.

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