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Maths Tutor Wanted

[Wellington City] Math stats or physics tutors

Offer Hourly Rate: $40.00 / hr

while I live in masterton I have some good tools to provide a very good experience from long distance I have a computer with a screen an e-pen and good math software this saves you and your child the headache of finding a location or having to accommodate me as a guest . please email me on

AhmadAbdulGhaffar (Male, 41 y/o)

Premium Member


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Maths $40.00 /hr
Physics $40.00 /hr
Statistics $35.00 /hr
my name is Ahmad I can tutor mathematics and statistics, could be of assitance in physics from a math point of view , work from home on zoom. I have good tools to conduct the session and I am very experienced online tutor while I can come to wellington I may have to charge extra for the petrol, I can teach up to third year papers although with the third ones come with your notes.


BSc in math and 2 pg dips in mathematical statistics


I teach AI mathematics


football kungfu and history

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